Blessed Spirit,
Who has been present for the creation of every living thing, we gather this day to celebrate the baptism of your Son as he began his ministry among us. The actual moment of his consecration was a day so long ago, yet lives on in our lives on in our own moments of reflection. In His baptism the path of righteousness has been shown to each of us, that our spiritual lives find direction and be uplifted.
We ourselves can become so distracted by a world that seems to have lost its way. We see the continued pressure on the poor, the problems that so may people have with getting their needs met for food, shelter, and medical care. There are those who face violence in their homes, their communities, or their countries. They wish for peace that helps them find relief for this violence. Help us your servants to respond to the needs of those around us who turn to you in their time of trouble, who come to You seeking a life of faith, free from harm.
We hold our faith in the ministry of Your Son to be central to how we direct our lives. His baptism presents us with place to guide our thoughts and prayers. His teachings proclaimed to the world in his lifetime help us to shape our own response to issues of faith.
Help us this day and the days ahead that our lives will be shaped by the call of His baptism. May we contribute to the fulfillment of His ministry here among us. Help us, that we may lead others closer to Your divine purpose. For we ask this in the Name of Him who was baptized on that day so long ago, and inspires us yet today to bring ourselves closer to you. Amen.