David Rahn is a pastor, social worker, and writer in Michigan.

YOu can reach Dave using the form on the Contact page. 


Meditative prayer, Lectionary A, 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, Based on John 1:29-42

God of eternal love, whose presence fills us daily with a renewed sense of purpose in this life,

We find ourselves once again centering our thoughts and prayers on You, and the direction that you have prepared for us 

As the early disciples heard of the coming of the Messiah, we ourselves turn our hearts and minds to the ministry of your Son.  We celebrate His miracles among those who encountered Him as He walked the earth so many years ago.  In a world where today we take so many miracles for granted, we are able to hear His words and wisdom in addressing the everyday needs of human life.  And with those early disciples we see the Holy Spirit descending like a dove on Him, and are grateful for his coming as the long awaited Messiah.

 We see even in times of adversity that you are always there for us.  Even in times of trouble, you are there to take us by the hand and lead us forward.  As Dr. Martin Luther King reminded us in his ministry among us, You are constantly there for us, to be reconciled with one another, and made new.  Be with us, we pray, in these days when we strive to bring all your people together.  Help us to celebrate the common purpose of people of faith in You at a time when the world is torn apart by conflict.

We also turn our hearts to those who need help in managing their lives.  For we know that there are many in the world needing assistance in obtaining food.  There are others who need medical care, or help with transportation, or a place to live.  May your people in need find the care that they need, and may we be instruments of your peace.

For we ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus, who lived with us, and died for us, and taught us to pray saying these words which we lift up now to you.

Our Father, Who art in heaven….


Meditative Prayer for January 12, 2020, Lectionary A, based on Baptism of our Lord Mt. 3:13-17