O Lord our God,
Who brings to us your glory which appears over us,
We gather to celebrate in this day the Wise Men who came from the East to celebrate the birth of Your Son, Jesus, who began his life among us. Like those seekers of Your Word so many years ago, we come once again before the image of the Christ child with joy. For we ourselves live in a time of challenges, of disappointments, joys and achievements. And we look to our Savior as our guide, our help in a time of uncertainty.
As we enter a new decade, help us to celebrate the gift of your Son’s birth in our community, the miracle of his appearance in a manger so many years ago. We marvel at the coming of the Wise Men so long ago, called to His birthplace by the stars in the sky. We are inspired by the message of universal love and hope that He bestows on all humankind.
We ourselves feel called by his presence. We hear his voice calling our name, calling us to love one another as He has loved us. Turning our hearts to the love that he brings us with his sacrifice, we find the wonder of His grace, the peace that passes all understanding, the wonder of a life committed to faith in You.
In this wonderful season of Epiphany, we see this Christ Child face to face. We recognize the possibility of his presence in our lives, we hope for a world where all have faith in him, and that we rejoice together in His Name.
For we ask this in that Name of Him who came to save us, Jesus Christ. Amen.