Eternal God of Grace and Glory
Who has established the mountains and the seas, the valleys and the plains, Who provides the life force of all living things, the seasons with their majesty and power, the love that binds all of us together this day,
We bring to you this morning the burdens and celebrations of another week. We celebrate the joys of anniversaries and birthdays, the successes in programs in our church and our community, the efforts of our youth to be with poor and underserved, and the many personal milestones we lift up to you in thanksgiving. For we know that in you all things are possible, and that all things that we achieve in this life is to glorify your Name.
We also remember this morning those who are struggling in life and can’t seem to find their way. Be with those we ask whose lives have been affected by conflicts in national policy, especially our federal and contract workers whose lives have been upended. We turn our hearts also to those who are alone and afraid, who would benefit from a touch, a visit, a phone call, a smile. Jesus called us to be a part of his healing presence, to visit those wherever they were in their time of need. He called us to help them in their time of distress, and we pray today that we might be a part of your everlasting love.
For we know that you do not willingly harm your people, your Creation. We live to walk in the pat that has been shown to us by your Son Jesus. Uplift us persons, as your people, that we might return to those stories of so long ago, that we might become in our faith journey the Samaritan along the road. Grant in your eternal love, where all things are possible, that we might become instruments of your peace in a world of conflict and distress.
Give us the strength in this new creation to bring the light of hope to our world. For we ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus, who came to teach us your way.