Meditation/prayer based on John 2:1-11, MLK Sunday in the US.
God of constant love, our rock in times of trouble, our source of comfort in times of sorrow
An endless source of strength and joy in these challenging times,
Whose spirit is like the wind moving us forward in an ever-changing world,
Give us your blessing this day, we ask, as we turn ourselves towards you.
We come to you with so much that could hold us down and dampen our spirits. And yet as we center ourselves in you once again in this hour, we find renewed strength in your constant faith in us, your people.
For we know that we are imperfect reflections of your perfect Creation, oh God. You have given us the earth that turns on its axis every moment of the day and night without any help from us. We enjoy the air we breathe, the light of the sun by day and the moon and stars by night without our awareness. All this you have given us in a universe that we will never fully understand.
And then to help us your children find our way in the darkness that can overtake us, you sent us your Son Jesus, who lights the way for us. In his words and his sacrifice for us we see a greater vision for this world. The music of your Creation calls us to love one another, to listen to each other’s pain, to help with the weakness and vulnerability of those in need. Jesus showed us this vision in his ministry among us, turning our hearts just as he changed water into wine. We pull ourselves away from the hectic schedule of the demands of a digital age back to the central message of your Creation: that is that we love one another. We are to love even our enemies, those who we do not understand, and those who are so different from us that we keep at a distance.
Today we honor the spiritual leadership of Dr. Martin Luther King and hear again the call to work towards a world where all are treated with equality and justice. Help us to follow his vision, to see that now is always the right time to do what is right. Open our eyes and awaken us to see the needs of our neighbors, and the potential for glory reflected in each one. And on this Sunday dedicated to Human Relations, keep us focused on those who are powerless to help themselves. We ask that our offerings today will give them the lift that will allow them to regain their strength, their place as participants in your Creation.
For we ask all this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus, who with his life has given us new hope. Amen.