Eternal Spirit
Who is with us in all things in this season of beauty,
And gives us hope in the midst of despair,
Light in the midst of the darkness of these days,
Joyful sounds in a world of dissonance and disagreement,
We your people come to you this morning to replenish our spirits, to drink again from your fountain of life.
For we come to you living in a world of challenges, full of misunderstandings and tensions, problems and disappointments,
And we look to you for comfort with the coming of your Son Jesus into our midst
We celebrate the gift that your Son brings to us,
The endless wonder of the Prince of Peace,
The eternal wisdom of the Wonderful Counselor,
Present within us, and without us,
Giving us a guiding light through the darkness into the light.
Help us as believers in your Spirit,
As individual believers, and as a people of faith,
Help us in the season of giving to remember
Those we are called to serve.
Help us to be with those who are alone, or isolated,
that we might give them comfort in your Name.
Grant that our support helps those who are hungry,
Or sick, or without shelter, that our love for them in your Son’s Name
Might bring them into an awareness of your eternal presence.
Most of all we ask, O Lord, that you enter into our hearts as we honor the arrival of your Son. Be with us as we celebrate the season of giving with love for all persons, hope for all seasons, and your light that shines into the darkness.
For we ask this in the name of Jesus, whose coming we celebrate today.