Meditation/prayer based on Matthew 1:18-25
Eternal God, who lives in the mystery that surrounds us this season,
We worship before you in wonder at the world in which we live. We have spent our days looking at our schedules, focusing on our goals, managing the routines of daily living as best we can. And in the midst of all this activity we stop to see that the world you have created for us continues to move and live and grow in response to your loving care.
We see the sun rising in the morning and the moon and stars at night. Weather systems move across that land that rises up from the seas. All living things in your creation move about the earth, sea and sky. We marvel at this persistence of the world you have given us: its resilience and its mystery. We turn ourselves towards you in a state of awe and wonder, reconnecting ourselves to the narrative of the coming of your Son to save us.
For we are so in need of this message of salvation that this baby Jesus brings into our lives. It is so easy for us to forget to listen to the voices of hunger, the cries for shelter, or the appeals from those around us for simple love and affection. As we have become so attached to our obligations and our schedules, our technology and our bank accounts, so we have distanced ourselves from those who are seated near us this morning, and in the days ahead. Your constant love for us is proclaimed with the voices of angels announcing your Son’s birth. As you show your love for us, help us begin this week committed to opening our hearts to those around us.
We remember today those who are in the hospital, those who are healing through your grace, those who are alone at home or in nursing homes. We pray for those in our prisons and jails that they may find hope and meaning as they are connected to the love that you can give. In all these things we pray that you will make us instruments of your peace in this the Season of Peace. May we become your voice to the downtrodden, your hands for those in need, the listening ear for a friend. Help us to be truly present to bless others in Your Name.
For we ask this in the Name of Him who came to save us all. Amen.