Meditation/prayer based on Matthew 25:14-30
Generous God
Who has given us the beauty of this world in which we live, the splendor of life around us, the wonder of friendships with those we hold dear,
We come to you this morning with celebration and absolute joy that we find in our faith in You. For we know that with our faith in You our world would will always find its center, our time on this earth will every day be full of meaning, and your healing presence will be constantly there to bind up the wounds of daily life.
In our turning to you in this time of prayer we see that we live in an imperfect world, O Lord, full of the problems of humankind. We can hear the cries of children separated from their parents at our borders, or in our cities where families can be torn apart through bureaucratic policy. We know of those who go to bed hungry as their family income falls short of what they need for food and shelter. We are informed of the challenges faced by those imprisoned, including some who are innocent, and who are cut off from a life giving connection to their families and friends. We are familiar with those who struggle with adjusting to the violence of our society, of those who have problems with mental illness or addiction, and are limited in the ways that they can respond to an unfriendly world. All these and many more face burdens that at times seem to crush them, and hold them down. Some of us here today face burdens such as these. We ask that your Holy Spirit be present with these your children, and help lift that burden. With the power of your Love, and the love that is expressed through our actions, we ask that You give a hand of strength to them and lighten their load.
And make us your agents of this love, O Lord. As we have talents to share, each of us called to witness to your love for you, help us to be part of the Spirit that lifts the burden from the backs of our brothers and sisters. Grant that we might hear your Word, and take time from the busyness of our distracted world and turn in faith finally to one another. Let us be the one who visits the prisoner, or helps with the healing of the one who is ill. Give us the strength to listen to the cries of children and families in distress, to respond in love to their needs. For you have called us each with our own strengths and weaknesses to minister to one another, to live out our lives according to the teachings and ministry of your Son Jesus. He is the One who showed us the way to sacrifice in faith, giving his Life that we might ourselves have life in You. As we learn to turn from the narcissism of a self-centered world, and learn to see with fresh eyes the needs of the world around us, be with us as we adjust our priorities, make our lives healthier, and turn our hearts, our minds and our souls over to your will. With joyful hearts we welcome your love and inspiration back into our lives.
For we ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus, who has called us to above all love one another.