David Rahn is a pastor, social worker, and writer in Michigan.

YOu can reach Dave using the form on the Contact page. 


Meditation/prayer based on Mark 10:46-52

Meditation/prayer based on Mark 10:46-52

Merciful God

Who provides the air we breathe, the warmth of the sun on our backs, and the knowledge that you are present with us in this our time of prayer with you;

We find ourselves surrounded by a world of challenges, in a place where answers are not easy to find, at a time when divisions and controversy dominate our attention.

In this world of 10-second sound bytes, of destructive voices in the air, of shouting and threats of violence, we seek the calm of your abiding peace reassuring us of your constant presence.  Like the one who sought your healing touch so long ago outside Jericho, we come to you today not able to see, not knowing the depth of your love, hearing only the rejecting noises of the crowds around us.  We know in the depths of our hearts that you will always provide for us, as we have faith in you.  We know that in the gift of your Son’s ministry you reveal to us a love that gives without ceasing, that supports and sustains us even in our darkest hours.  

The distractions of our days keeps us too often from looking at our mission to others in a life of faith. We turn from the hostility of a news broadcast, and fail to consider the needs of the meek and vulnerable among us. We hear the narrow opinions of those who would lead us into darkness, and fail to take the time to speak out against these words.  Whether it be welcoming those who are new to our shores, or holding up the rule of law in the face of those who would violate the rights of our neighbor, we come to you this morning seeking answers as to how we can rightly follow you in a troubled, disconnected world.  Help us to be citizens of faith in you, as well as compassionate neighbors to those who seek help and ask for mercy.

The numbers of those looking to you in faith far exceed our capacity to know them all.  But we know that these are all your children and that you will care for them, each according to their needs.  Grant that we see the needs in the food kitchens in our community, and continue to help those without food.  Open our eyes to the needs of those who are homeless, and require public support in living in safety.  End our own blindness to the needs of the addict and the mentally ill, for they need Your constant guidance in restructuring their lives in love.  And may we also minister to those in our jails and prisons, as well as their families who wait for them outside.  All these, and so many more, stand in need of Your eternal mercy. We pray this morning that we might be the instruments of your message and mercy to them. 

Above all help us this morning in keeping this place a peaceful place of worship.  

We know in our connecting with you today, that your Son’s sacrifice on the cross is there for us to see His endless love for all persons.  May we be merciful to one another, helping one another in our own witness rooted in our faith in you.  And may these young persons gathered here today, these college students who we bless in your Name, have their lives opened up to providing the mercy that comes with abiding faith in You.

Meditation/prayer based  on  Mark  6: 30-44

Meditation/prayer based on Mark 6: 30-44

Meditation/prayer based on Col. 1:9-14;  2 Cor. 4:  8-9

Meditation/prayer based on Col. 1:9-14; 2 Cor. 4: 8-9