Prayer/meditation based on Mark 12:28-34
God of love and boundless compassion
We come to you this day with wounded hearts, our thoughts in disarray, in many cases our relationships in tatters. We look at the world we live in and wonder at the anger and violence that surrounds us. We hope that it won’t affect us, but hear of friends who have been threatened or children who have been mistreated. And we question if you are there for us, if you can rescue us from this time of trouble.
We learn in the Gospels that even Jesus was questioned in his day. People in authority challenged him. Heads of religious bodies did not want to hear his message of love and hope. But those in poverty turned to him for hope and a blessing. Those who were diseased asked him for healing. Those who felt separated from God asked to be connected to the divine presence. Those in His day saw him perform miracles, give new life to those who were in despair, hope for those who were beaten down.
We come to you today with the same hope. We have followed all the rules of living, and still are challenged by events and individuals go against all that we believe. We have learned to trust you as your Son told us, with all our soul and with all our mind and with all our strength. And we strive to love our neighbor as ourselves. We work towards a spiritual discipline, towards following the way of love that you have shown us. And still we encounter misfortune, and sadness, and death and destruction.
Help us in our efforts to connect with you, that these our prayers quiet our hearts and open ourselves to your great mystery. Grant that we may see your divine purpose in the wonder of our world, even those events and persons who cause us trouble. For we know that above all you are a loving God; that you do not deliberately cause your children to suffer.
We look to you this day for solace, for comfort in our too busy lives. Help us to find the time each day to worship you in peace. Grant that we grow in our faith, that we might see Your face in a world that is constantly striving. It is in the peace that passes understanding that we will be able to find You, in the life and teaching of your Son, Jesus. Give us the strength to continue to worship you with joyful hearts, even in the midst of adversity. For we ask this in the Name of your Son, Jesus. Amen