David Rahn is a pastor, social worker, and writer in Michigan.

YOu can reach Dave using the form on the Contact page. 


Meditation/prayer based on Lectionary reading for Palm Sunday, Luke 19: 28-40

Meditation/prayer based on Lectionary reading for Palm Sunday, Luke 19: 28-40

God of promise, God of joyful praise,

We enter this time with you with hearts lifted up, held up by the promise of the miracles that you bestow upon us every day.  Like the disciples singing loud Hosannas for the coming of Jesus into the Holy City, our hearts sing with praise and thanksgiving for His entrance into our lives, our hearts, and our community of faith.  For on this day we celebrate with waving palms and joyful songs, dancing at this witness of Your abiding presence in these troubled times.

We see the signs of sorrow and brokenness all around us in this world we live in.  We see hunger in our own community, homelessness of those in our cities, the terror in the eyes of refugees fleeing oppression, the loneliness of those facing a life challenge without the comfort of friends.  We see these things and wonder, what can we do, how can we turn the tide of sin and death that surrounds us each and every day?  How can we sing the Lord’s Song in time that overwhelms us?

And we see the answer in the miracle of transformation of our Savior riding into our hearts, uplifting our souls and bringing renewed energy for our beaten down spirits.  We see the miracle of the everyday voice of kindness, the small contribution to a homeless shelter, the visit to the friend in the nursing home or hospital.  And we join in the singing with those disciples so many years ago, celebrating with praise and loud voices the miracles that we see in the everyday.  And with our shouts of praise the very stones of the earth sing out to a universe proclaiming His presence in our midst.

We are so grateful for this moment of joy in a world that calls out to us for healing.  Be with us, empower us, and sustain us as we strive to do your will.  As we look towards the Cross on this day of joyful singing, transform us with Your love.  For we seek to proclaim your message of hope and love to all persons. 

 For we pray all this in the Name of your Son, the one who freed us from eternal darkness. Amen.





Meditation/prayer based on John 19:1-42; Lectionary reading for Good Friday

Meditation/prayer based on John 19:1-42; Lectionary reading for Good Friday

Meditation/prayer based on John 12:1-8, Lectionary reading for 5th Sunday in Lent